About Me

Hi, I’am Reem Obaid
Health and Cancer Coach
As the first health and cancer coach in the United Arab Emirates, I bring a unique perspective to my practice, having personally overcome cancer. My own journey has equipped me with invaluable insights and firsthand experience, which I utilize to empower others in their quest for prevention and overall well-being. By implementing lifestyle modifications, I can guide you in reducing the risk of chronic diseases, including cancer, and preventing its recurrence. Additionally, I provide support in managing stress, improving sleep quality, and addressing emotional eating patterns, thereby aiding in weight loss and preventing weight gain in any situation. My expertise lies in fostering holistic health and supporting individuals in achieving their optimal wellness goals.


Do You want to unlock your own potentials?

Unlock your full potential and conquer life's challenges. Book your session with me today, and together, we'll pave the path to your personal and professional success


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Free support group sessions

We offer support group sessions with a dedicated focus on providing holistic support to cancer patients, cancer survivors, their families/care givers, and individuals managing chronic illnesses, via zoom

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1:1 Session

Enhance your well-being with our 1:1 health coaching session. Our expert coaches can guide you in stress management, improving sleep quality, addressing substance abuse (e.g., caffeine, smoking, and sugar), handling negative emotions, and fostering self-love. Book a session today to unlock a healthier, happier you.

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Awareness workshops in Organizations / medical & corporate organizations

Elevate your team’s well-being and productivity with our corporate training programs. Discover the vital keys to stress management, the significance of physical activity, and the impact of substance abuse on performance. Equip your employees with essential tools to thrive both personally and professionally. Book your training session today for a healthier, happier workforce.

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Group Coaching Session

Unlock your full potential in our group coaching sessions. Gain valuable insights into stress management, navigating chronic illness, overcoming exhaustion, and conquering depression and it’s side effects. Join a supportive community, share experiences, and build resilience. Transform challenges into opportunities and embark on a path to personal growth and success.